LED Butterfly Durby Light With Laser
User Mannual
Menu Value Description
d___ 001 512 DMX512 Or Slave
A1 -2 1-9 Integrated Mode,the Larger The Numerical Value, The Faster The Motor Speed
L1 -6 1-9 Laser Mode,the Larger The Value ,the Faster The Motor Speed
E1 -7 1-9 Led Mode
- The Larger The Value,the Faster The Motor Speed
SOU 1-3 The Greater The Value,the Higher The Sensitive
ir____ On/Off Remote Control Switch
Availability: In Stock
Channel Value Description
CH1 0 Closed
1 - 255 General dimming
CH2 0 -5 No Strob
6 -255 The stroboscopic speed is from slow to fast
CH3 0 Red LED closed
1 - 255 The Red LED brightness is linearly adjusted from dark to bright
CH4 0 Green LED Closed
1 - 255 The Green LED Brightness is linearly adjusted from dark to bright
CH5 0 Blue LED Closed
1 - 255 The blue LED brightness is linearly adjusted from dark to bright
CH6 0 White LED Closed
1 - 255 The White LED Brightness is linearly adjusted from dark to bright
CH7 0 Red Laser Closed
1 - 255 The Red Laser brightness is linearly adjested from dark to bright
CH8 0 Green Laser Closed
1 - 255 The Green Laser brightness is linearly adjusted from dark to bright
CH9 0 - 155 Led Motor Position
156 - 255 The LED Motor is rotated forward and back
CH10 0 - 2 Laser Motor stop
3 - 210 Laser Motor position
211 - 255 The laser motor is rotated forward and backword from slow to fast
CH11 0 - 5 CH1 - CH10 Effective
6 - 50 Monochromatic jump
51 - 95 Blending jump
96 - 140 Blending jump
141 - 185 Blending jump
186 - 230 Blending jump
230 - 255 Sound